The FullBIMPosition application is a VINCI Autoroutes business application dedicated to professional uses and not to public/customer use, subject to authorization, which handles the need for geolocation according to the usual Highway / PR / Sens mode.The geolocation comes from the reference which is defined according to the knowledge of the GIS PRs. of VINCI Autoroutes.Offline networkFullBIMPosition is a fully offline GPS application that works offline, no internet or mobile network connection required.Business toolStrictly limited to professional use and subject to activation code.Currently, in the absence of a mobility application, the determination of geolocation in Landmarks (PR) is carried out approximately, sometimes even with positioning errors of several meters.Note: the PR is marked on the network by a terminal positioned along the motorway network on the side.The benefits obtained by using FullBIMPosition are of 3 orders:1) Saving time to determine the position2) The precision to determine the position3) Security to determine the positionFullBIMPosition is a business component that contributes to digital transformation.Happy Geolocation!The FullBIMPosition application requires the activation of your geolocation on your smartphone. For your safety, this application should never be used while you are driving.VINCI Autoroutes